In Brazil, in the group of stone fruits – drupaceae, peach production predominates (Prunus persica vulgaris L.), followed by plum (Prunus salicina L.) and nectarine (Prunus persica nucipersica L.), with the area with peach trees representing more than 80 % of the cultivated area (Fachinello et al., 2011). Brazil does not produce cherries, almonds and apricots. Although these are fruits adapted to temperate climates, with requirements for cold hours for their cultivation, with the advancement of plant breeding technologies it is possible to produce them in subtropical regions using cultivars that are less demanding in cold conditions, or in microclimatic stations suitable for the minimum requirements (Baptistella et al., 2018).
Peach and nectarine trees are made up of a root system, trunk, primary branches (called legs), secondary branches (for production), which may or may not have spurs, as well as leaves, flowers and fruits. Plum trees, in turn, have the same components mentioned above, but they always have spurs, which are fruiting structures. The three species are classified as deciduous plants, that is, they lose their leaves at the end of a reproductive period – coinciding with the coldest times of the year. Regarding the flowers, they are perfect, complete, perigynous and generally have a single pistil, with a white or pink color.
Origin and economic importance of stone fruits
According to Mayer et al. (2019), the center of origin of the peach tree and the nectarine tree is China. However, for a long time it was believed that the peach tree originated in Persia, present-day Iran, and therefore the scientific name of the species is Prunus persica. The nectarine tree is a mutation of the peach tree. According to these authors, in the case of plum trees, there are two commercially important species: Prunus domestica, known as the European plum tree, which originated in East Asia from hybridization between P. cerasifera and P. spinosa. It is cultivated especially in Europe, Argentina and Chile. The species P. salicin, known as the Japanese plum tree, is native to China and has been cultivated for thousands of years. In Japan and Korea, it has also been cultivated for a long time, so much so that it is not possible to say for sure whether or not these countries are part of the center of origin of the species. These species were introduced to Brazil by explorers from Spain and Portugal, during the colonization of the Americas.
In Brazil, according to data from EMBRAPA, the states in the southern region have the best natural conditions for the commercial production of peaches and other stone fruits. Rio Grande do Sul is the largest national producer, with an average of 128,568 tons per year, corresponding to 63.8% of the country's total production. It is followed by São Paulo, with 33,734, Santa Catarina, with 17,790 and Paraná, with 10,641 tons per year. In Rio Grande do Sul, peach production is concentrated in the southern region of the state, mainly in Pelotas, and in the Serra region, where most of the production is destined for industry.
According to Rubbo et al. (2019), the commercialization of peaches and other stone fruits in nature is highly dependent on aspects related to fruit quality, including size, shape, firmness, sugar/acidity ratio and skin color. There is evidence that the application of biostimulants improves the organoleptic characteristics of fruits, especially by increasing the red color of the epidermis – a relevant aspect for the consumer market.
Fertilization and management
Stone fruit tree seedlings (peach, nectarine and plum) are traditionally produced by the union of two distinct genotypes – the rootstock and the scion cultivar, which, through grafting, form a composite plant. This relationship between the two genotypes will last throughout the life of the plant and, therefore, cultivars that are graft-compatible with each other should be used. The use of active buds (late spring and early summer) for performing the “inverted-T” grafting is the most widespread method in Brazil for stone fruit trees (Mayer, 2018).
Nitrogen (N) is the most important nutrient for stone fruit trees (Rombolà et al., 2012), as it performs specific functions in plants, such as the constitution of amino acids and proteins and the regulation of metabolic reactions (Taiz; Zaiger, 2013). Pascoalino et al. (2013), studying the response of nitrogen fertilization and thinning intensity in peach production, observed that nitrogen fertilization associated with thinning management increases the average weight of fruits and productivity in a linear and significant way. According to these authors, both N fertilization and thinning intensity depend on each other to obtain fruits with the dimensions and quantities required by consumer trade.
Regarding phosphorus (P), stone fruit plants have low requirements in terms of quantity and good extraction capacity from the soil. Potassium (K) is an extremely important nutrient for fruit quality, promoting more intense color and improving flavor. Because it is related to aspects such as carbohydrate transport through the plant, plants properly nourished with K produce larger and sweeter fruits and, therefore, with high commercial quality.
Fruits and post-harvest storage
Small fruit size and low yield are common problems in the commercial exploitation of stone fruits when early-maturing cultivars are used. These characteristics are tolerated by producers because the prices obtained for such fruits are initially high, but the market, being very dynamic, can fluctuate rapidly (Day; Dejong, 1990). In addition to small size, early-maturing peaches, nectarines and plums often present other qualitative defects that reduce their commercial value, such as flavor, color and physiological disorders (Fernandez-Escobar et al., 1987).
Stone fruits are climacteric, that is, they are fruits that at the end of the ripening period present a marked increase in the respiratory rate, caused by the increase in the production of ethylene – a ripening hormone. Climacteric fruits can be harvested even if they are not yet ripe, since ripeness is achieved after harvesting. However, they should not be harvested too young, due to losses in organoleptic qualities. Stone fruits are highly perishable, due to rapid ripening and senescence, and high occurrence of post-harvest diseases (Kader; Mitchell, 1989; cited by Argenta et al.; 2011). Refrigerated storage is the main technology for preserving quality and extending post-harvest life in stone fruits, as it reduces respiration, ethylene production, water loss and the development of rot, and delays ripening (Kader; Mitchell, 1989; cited by Argenta et al., 2011).
ILSA Brazil fertilization plan for stone fruits
Figure 1. Peach tree phenological phases and ILSA fertilization plan
ILSA has been in the market for over 65 years and is a global reference in biotechnology for transforming raw materials from renewable sources into high-performance products for agriculture. We use modern and sustainable industrial methods, which are an excellent solution for the environmental liabilities of some industrial sectors. The result of these processes is the production of highly efficient fertilizers, which help organic and specialized agriculture to increase the productivity and quality of crops, in an increasingly responsible and conscious manner. We have two organic matrices that serve as the basis for the production of all our fertilizers, which we will explain below.
AZOGEL® is the organic matrix from which solid organic and organomineral products for soil application are derived, marketed on all continents of the world, in the most diverse crops. It is an organic fertilizer produced from collagen, obtained through the Fully Controlled Hydrolysis (FCH®), rich in organic nitrogen and carbon, derived from by-products of the leather industry. Through this matrix, the fertilizers Gradual MIX®, N-TIME+®, S-TIME®, FERTIL and AZOSLOW® are produced, all recommended for stone fruit trees, covering all stages of plant development.
For the soil preparation and transplanting phases, as well as for the beginning of fruiting, N-TIME+® is recommended. It is a soil fertilizer rich in organic N and C and amino acids that will enhance the metabolic activity of plants. As it is a source of carbon and has a high CEC, N-TIME+® acts by improving several soil characteristics, such as chemical and biological ones. In addition, this fertilizer can be used as a substitute for animal manure, and can be applied in two stages: at the beginning of sprouting and in the post-harvest period. AZOSLOW® can be used throughout the vegetative period as a nitrogenous top dressing because it has two sources of N, one that will be absorbed quickly by the plant and the other gradually, making N available throughout the production cycle – since N is the nutrient most required by stone fruit trees. AZOSLOW® allows for greater use of N, due to the presence of the organic matrix AZOGEL. Furthermore, for all stages of development of stone fruit trees, we have the Gradual MIX® soil fertilizer, with NPK and rich in amino acids, which has formulations for both budding initiation (GM 10 18 07) and coverage (GM 08 00 28).
GELAMIN® is the other organic matrix manufactured by ILSA, and is sold on all continents of the world and used in the most diverse crops. It is produced through collagen, rich in N, amino acids and organic C. The product is obtained through an innovative and sustainable industrial process, called Fully Controlled Enzymatic Hydrolysis (FCHE®). From this matrix, ILSA's liquid and water-soluble fertilizers are obtained, belonging to the ILSA TOP and ILSA TEC lines, which can be used both in foliar application and in fertigation.
For foliar application in stone fruit trees, ILSA Brasil recommends the fertilizers ILSAMIN Boro® and ILSAMIN CaMg®, both for the reproductive period. ILSMIN Boro® stimulates the flowering process and prevents flower abortions, helping to increase flower set and increasing resistance to abiotic stresses. According to Dechen et al. (2004), boron is important for sugar translocation and carbohydrate metabolism, and plays an important role in flowering, pollen tube growth, fruiting processes, nitrogen metabolism and hormonal activity. ILSAMIN CaMg® is indicated to stimulate the flowering process, enhance photosynthesis and prevent fruit deformations, providing calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) associated with the simultaneous supply of amino acids. Ca is an important macronutrient responsible for the activation of several enzyme systems and neutralization of organic acids; participating in the formation of the cell wall and in the development of the meristematic apices of the aerial part and the root system. Mg is a central part of the chlorophyll molecule and acts as an activator of several enzymes. It is also involved in carbohydrate metabolism and the synthesis of nucleic acids, in addition to influencing the movement of carbohydrates from the leaves to other parts of the plant, stimulating the uptake and transport of phosphorus.
ILSA Brasil also has fertilizers for stone fruits under fertigation systems: ETIXAMIN DF and ILSADRIP Forte®, which can also be applied via foliar application and are sources of nitrogen and amino acids. These two products are recommended for supplying amino acids at all stages of plant development, especially during periods of biotic and/or abiotic stress, since they enhance the plant's metabolic processes and increase productivity. They are also positioned at times of greatest energy demand from plant metabolism, such as the fruit filling phase.
Another product recommended for stone fruits to provide potassium is ETIXAMIN Kally®. The product should be applied via foliar application to complement the absorption of the element via the root and provide this nutrient in more critical periods and of greater demand. K is directly associated with the formation of sugars, protein synthesis, growth and neutralization of organic acids. In addition, it is important in the formation of fruits, influencing the increase in their size, flavor and color. K reduces the susceptibility of plants to attack by diseases and pests.
It is important to mention that fertilization in orchards must be rational, which presupposes the appropriate use of fertilizers, avoiding insufficient or excessive applications, in order to provide the orchard with the nutrients that are actually needed, in the appropriate quantities and at the appropriate times, while simultaneously preserving the environment. To this end, it is necessary not only to know the state of soil fertility, but also to know whether the nutrients present there are being effectively used by the crop. Therefore, the doses to be used are not described in the text, as they should be based on soil analysis and on the recommendation of an agricultural engineer.
Bibliographic references
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- Agricultural Eng. Msc. Aline Tramontini dos Santos
- Agricultural Eng. Msc. Carolina Custodio Pinto
- Agricultural Eng. Msc. Thiago Stella de Freitas