Main features and development
Sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is a monocotyledonous plant, belonging to the family Poaceae (REDAE; AMBAYE, 2018) native to the Asian continent. This plant is a polyploid complex derived from interspecific hybridization and backcrossing involving three main species: Saccharum officinarum, Saccharum barberi and Saccharum spontaneum (ANBANANDAN; ESWARAN, 2018). Thus, modern sugarcane has peculiar characteristics, combining the high sugar content of Saccharum officinarum with the robustness and disease resistance of Saccharum spontaneum (ZHANG et al., 2018). This hybridization also provided sugarcane with greater yield potential and improved adaptability for growth under various stress conditions (ANBANANDAN; ESWARAN, 2018).
The importance of sugarcane is due to the fact that it is not only a raw material for sugar production, but also an efficient and important biomass crop, as well as having high potential for biofuel generation (SATHISH et al., 2018). In addition to the main products of its production chain, the processing of sugarcane generates some by-products such as bagasse and molasses (DIAS et al., 2021). Molasses is the main raw material for alcohol production; bagasse, on the other hand, can be used as a raw material in the paper industry, animal feed and for energy cogeneration in most sugar mills (REDAE; AMBAYE, 2018).
Brazil stands out as the world's largest producer of sugarcane, followed by India (PARIDA et al., 2020). In the 2018-2019 harvest, the area planted with Brazilian sugarcane was around 8.59 million hectares, with a production of 620.44 million tons of sugarcane (DIAS et al., 2021). São Paulo is the state with the largest share of national production, with 4.43 million hectares and a production of 332.88 million tons, which is equivalent to 53.65% of sugarcane processed in the country (SILVA et al., 2020).
According to Oliveira (2012), in Brazil there are two sugarcane producing macro-regions: the Central South region, which includes the states of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás, Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Paraná, and the North-Northeast region, which includes the states of Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte. Figure 1 shows these two main producing regions.
In sugarcane cultivation, the ideal climate is one with two well-defined seasons: hot and humid, to enable its emergence and vegetative development, and cold and dry season, which promotes maturation and consequent accumulation of sucrose in the stems (DA SILVA et al., 2015). Harvesting normally occurs after the rainy season, seeking to reach the best point of maturation and maximum accumulation of sucrose in the plant, as well as so that cutting and transportation operations can be carried out (AQUINO et al., 2014).
The cycle of sugarcane planted for the first time, that is, originating from seedlings and which will receive the first cut, is called the sugarcane-plant cycle. In the climate conditions prevailing in the center-south of Brazil, planting is predominantly carried out at two distinct times:
- First season – from September to November, at the beginning of the rainy and hot season. Under these conditions, sugarcane has an average cycle lasting 12 months, popularly known as “cane-of-the-year”. Sugarcane has its maximum development from November to April, decreasing from that month onwards due to adverse weather conditions, with the possibility of harvesting, depending on the variety, from July onwards. It is observed that after planting the stalk, sprouting occurs and the sugarcane vegetates (grows in size) uninterruptedly until April, to then mature. There are then approximately 8 months of vegetative development and 4 months for maturation to occur. (DA SILVA; DA SILVA, 2012).
- Second season – planting is carried out from January to early April, in the middle of the rainy and hot season and towards autumn. Some producers or units extend planting until May. Under these conditions, sugarcane is popularly called “year-and-a-half cane” and spends the first winter season dormant, being cut in the second. Thus, a variable sugarcane development cycle occurs. Favored in the first three months, being limited for five months (April to August). Then, for 7 months (September to April), the sugarcane plant returns to vegetate with full intensity, and then matures in the winter months. There are then approximately 10 months of vegetative development, which results in greater production. (DA SILVA; DA SILVA, 2012).
After the sugarcane plant is cut, a new cycle of approximately 12 months begins, which is the ratoon cycle. Environmental factors that affect the sugarcane plant cycle also affect the ratoon cycle. (DA SILVA; DA SILVA, 2012).
For year-old and ratoon cane, the phase of greatest development occurs in the first half of the major development period, while for year-and-a-half cane, this occurs in the second half of the major development period. For both plant cane and ratoon cane, the maximum vegetation point of sugarcane occurs annually in December. (DA SILVA; DA SILVA, 2012).
At this time, factors such as light and day length are associated with hydrothermal factors, thus demonstrating their importance in sugarcane production. To take full advantage of the best growing season, the root system of the clump must be well developed and there must be 12 to 14 leaves in full development. (DA SILVA; DA SILVA, 2012).
Fertilization management
Fertilization is one of the factors that most determines productivity. Plants need both macro and micronutrients, since these elements play vital roles in their metabolism. After completing the systematization of the land, the producer must collect soil samples from each plot for analysis with a view to soil correction and fertilization operations (SILVA, 2009).
Before addressing the nutritional requirements of sugarcane, it is important to highlight all the stages of its development and the rate of nutrient absorption in these stages. The sugarcane cycle can be divided into three phases, according to Oliveira et al., 2011:
First phase: characterized by crop growth, rooting and tillering. At this stage, biomass accumulation is small, generally in the order of 10% in both the plant and ratoon cane cycles. This phase normally lasts about 120 days in plant cane and 90 days in ratoon cane.
Second phase: It is characterized by intense accumulation of biomass, in which nutrient extraction rates accelerate to a maximum peak and then stabilize again. In this phase, there is an accumulation of approximately 80% of dry matter and nutrients required by plants.
Third phase: is the growth stabilization phase, when there is a low accumulation of biomass and nutrients, normally less than 10% of the total accumulated throughout the cycle. This phase occurs simultaneously with the stalk maturation phase.
In figure 2 we have the division of these phases:
Figure 2. Accumulation of dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in sugarcane plants. Source: Adapted from Oliveira et al., 2011.
Macronutrient Requirements
- Sugarcane-plant fertilization
The nitrogen requirement in sugarcane crops is relatively low when compared to the nutrient most exported by the crop, potassium. Among the factors that contribute to this is the occurrence of biological N fixation in the crop due to the association of the plant with N-fixing endophytic bacteria (CQFS, 2016).
Table 1 – Nitrogen requirement for sugarcane crops.
Apply 10 to 20 kg of N/ha at planting, at the bottom of the furrow, and the remainder as top dressing before closing the sugarcane field (approximately 90 to 100 days after planting) (CQFS, 2016).
Phosphorus and potassium
Potassium plays several metabolic and structural roles in plants. In tropical soils, potassium (K) levels are usually low (usually less than 1.5 mmolc dm-3), making it necessary to supplement this nutrient with fertilizers to enable sustainable productivity (OTTO et al., 2010). OK, followed by N, is the nutrient most absorbed by sugarcane. For every 100 t ha-1 of stalks, around 150 kg ha are exported-1 of K2(OTTO et al., 2019), although in soils with high K levels, export by stalks can reach 285 kg ha-1 of K2(FRANCO et al., 2008).
The supply of K to plants comes from the solution and from the exchange sites of soil colloids, which are in equilibrium with the non-exchangeable K and the structural K of minerals (SPARKS; HUANG, 1985). The exchangeable content is the main source of K replacement for the solution (RAIJ, 1991), which, in turn, can be absorbed by plants, adsorbed to the negative charges of the soil or lost through leaching.
K added via potassium fertilization, as well as that made available from straw remaining on the soil, can be intensely leached into the soil profile, depending on the amount of rainfall, nutrient dose and soil texture, among other factors (ROSOLEM et al., 2006). Rosolem and Nakagawa (2001) observed an increase in K leaching in the profile of a medium-textured soil when doses above 80 kg ha were applied.-1 of K2O per year, regardless of the method of application of the fertilizer. In addition to favoring leaching, K applied in high doses and all at once can cause salinization of the region receiving the fertilizer, which can cause toxicity to the roots of the plants. (OTTO et al., 2010).
Table 2 – Phosphorus and potassium requirements for sugarcane cultivation.
Source: Vitti et al., 2015
Phosphorus and potassium should be applied together with N at planting, at the bottom of the furrow. In sandy soils, it is recommended to split the potassium fertilization by applying 2/3 at the time of planting or after cutting and the rest as top dressing, together with nitrogen. (CQFS, 2016).
The results obtained by Otto et al. (2010) showed that K plays an important role in sugarcane growth, stalk productivity and sugar productivity, especially in soils with low levels of the nutrient. Excessive doses of K (greater than 150 kg ha-1 of K2O) limited the growth and productivity of sugarcane under experimental conditions. (OTTO et al., 2010).
We can also talk about the external factors that influence the response of crops to phosphate fertilization, which is influenced by soil moisture, mineralogy and texture, which are fundamental for determining the availability of P for plants (SANTOS et al., 2008; SOUZA JÚNIOR et al., 2012; OLIVEIRA et al., 2013) and the productive potential of the sugarcane field (CERRI; MAGALHÃES, 2012).
The use of organic sources of phosphorus plays a fundamental role in the life of microorganisms, increasing the cation exchange capacity (CEC) and mobility of P in the soil (ALMEIDA 2002). Therefore, in recent years, the use of alternative sources of P has acquired great importance, basically due to the high cost of soluble phosphate fertilizers and the increased supply of natural and organic phosphates with better agronomic efficiency (CARAMORI, 2000).
- Sugarcane ratoon fertilization
Table 3 – Nitrogen requirement for sugarcane crops.
Table 4 – Phosphorus and potassium requirements for sugarcane crops.
When fertilizing sugarcane ratoon crops, incorporate the fertilizer containing N, P and K close to the sugarcane line (20 cm) before closing the sugarcane field. Harvesting without burning leaves a large amount of straw on the soil surface, making it difficult to incorporate fertilizers. In this condition, the fertilizer can be applied on the straw or on the soil when the straw is raked. However, if nitrogen fertilizer is not incorporated, N losses due to ammonia volatilization are expected when urea is used as a source of N (CQFS, 2016).
In sandy soils, it is recommended to split the potassium fertilization, as described for sugarcane plant (CQFS, 2016).
The use of micronutrients in sugarcane is related to the essentiality of these elements for plants and their functions in their metabolism, to the visual symptoms of deficiency observed in the field in plants with an inadequate supply of these elements, according to the foliar diagnosis technique, in comparison with the levels of healthy plants and sugarcane fields with high productivity; to the low levels in the soil, mainly in sandy soils, with a low organic matter content and without the use of residues from the sugarcane industry itself or other organic sources; and to the new varieties that are more productive and more demanding in micronutrients (VITTI et al apud RIPOLI et al. 2006).
Micronutrient deficiencies in sugarcane lead to reduced productivity and possibly plant death. The importance of micronutrients in fertilization programs was based on the quantities extracted from the soil. These quantities can be low (g ha-1), but of great importance for the development of the plant, and may, in conditions of low availability in the soil, become limiting for the adequate development of the crop (VAZQUEZ; SANCHES, 2010). For regions with low soil fertility or that have been exploited for many years, the occurrence of micronutrient deficiency may be aggravated. Therefore, the search for greater productivity and greater longevity for sugarcane fields makes fertilization with micronutrients a fundamental practice (CASARIN; VILLA NOVA; FORLI apud MARQUES, 2006).
The amount of nutrients extracted and accumulated by sugarcane depends on the variety, age of the plant, soil management, crop cycle and nutrient availability in the soil (Benett et al. 2012; Benett et al. 2013). However, the export of these elements by the crop occurs in the following order of magnitude: Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu>B>Mo (Orlando Filho et al. 2001).
In relation to micronutrients, sugarcane cultivation extracts 149 and 86 g of boron; 234 and 105 g of copper; 1393 and 5525 g of iron; 1052 and 1420 g of manganese and 369 and 223 g of zinc to produce 100 t of industrializable stalks and leaves, respectively (ORLANDO FILHO apud CÂMARA; OLIVEIRA, 1993).
To Vazquez and Sanches (2010), the use of micronutrients provides increases in sugarcane productivity. Better results are obtained when using both shoot and foliar applications. The application of micronutrients via shoot is an efficient and economically viable practice because it allows for joint use with insecticides, which reduces costs and provides a more uniform distribution of the products.
ILSA fertilization suggestion for increased productivity
ILSA Brasil has a complete line of organomineral fertilizers capable of meeting the nutritional requirements of sugarcane crops. All fertilizers are obtained from two organic matrices (AZOGEL® and GELAMIN®) which, combined with mineral sources of nutrients, increase the efficiency of absorption and use of these elements by plants, which contributes to increased productivity of sugarcane fields. FERTIL® is a solid fertilizer for use in soil that has a high organic carbon content (which enhances the biological activity of the soil), organic nitrogen that will be gradually made available to the plant, allowing balanced vegetative growth, and also amino acids that act in various metabolic processes during the sugarcane production cycle. We suggest that FERTIL® be used at the time of planting the sugarcane plant in order to enhance the initial development of the crop. The GRADUAL MIX line® is a line of NPK fertilizers for soil application that has different formulations for both planting (plant cane) and coverage (plant cane and ratoon cane) and combines the AZOGEL matrix® with mineral sources of phosphorus and potassium. This combination allows for greater efficiency in the use of mineral nutrients and also contributes to improving the chemical, physical and biological parameters of the soil.
POTENT ILSAMIN® It is recommended for use in the planting furrow and has the organic matrix GELAMIN in its composition.® and humic substances capable of intensifying the initial rooting process by increasing the efficiency of water and nutrient absorption. AZOSLOW® is obtained from the combination of the AZOGEL matrix® with mineral sources of nitrogen and its application is recommended as a top dressing with the aim of increasing nitrogen absorption by the sugarcane, reducing losses through the volatilization process. ILSADRIP Forte®, ILSAMIN Agile® and ETIXAMIN Mega® They are fertilizers recommended for application via leaves, in order to provide nutrients and amino acids quickly and punctually, preventing possible deficiencies throughout the cycle.
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Agr Eng. Dr. Angélica Schmitz Heinzen
Agricultural Eng. Msc. Carolina Custodio Pinto
Agricultural Eng. Msc. Thiago Stella de Freitas