Mineral nutrition is one of the main obstacles related to management that prevents high productivity gains in coffee farming, as this crop has characteristics of high nutritional requirements due to the high amounts of nutrients required for the vegetative growth of the plant and fruit formation (LAVIOLA et al. 2007; PARTELLI et al. 2014).
According to Barbosa et al. (2011), coffee bean productivity is influenced by the soil in which it is produced, since physical characteristics such as relief, the presence of gravel in the soil, depth, texture, and the capacity to retain water and nutrients influence the crop. In addition, there is interference due to the interaction of the genotype and the environment, with the number of plants per hectare being one of the most relevant factors in the phenotypic expression of cultivars and in the productivity of Arabica coffee (CUSTÓDIO et al., 2023).
Today we are going to talk about two important nutrients for coffee crops, which have low mobility within the plant, the secondary macronutrient calcium and the micronutrient boron.
Boron and calcium are characterized by having low mobility in the phloem and redistribute little in the plant (Figure 1), therefore, the nutritional deficiency of both occurs in the youngest organs (MALAVOLTA, 1980). Boron is important in the translocation of sugars and in the formation of the cell wall; calcium acts in the formation of calcium pectate, present in the middle lamella of the cell wall (DA SILVA et al., 2006). The adequate supply of boron and calcium to plants is essential for the normal development of fruits and seeds, acting in the germination of the pollen grain and in the growth of the pollen tube (WOODS, 1994; MARSCHNER, 1995). In addition, boron deficiency leads to a decrease in the calcium content in the leaf, affecting its absorption and translocation in the plant (YAMAUCHI et al., 1986; PENALOSA et al., 1987; FAGERIA, 2001).

Ca is the second most accumulated macronutrient by the coffee plant, behind only N. In plants, it is absorbed as Ca2+ and has little mobility in the phloem. Its deficiency reduces the development of the root system, in addition to influencing the structure and resistance of the plant cell wall (COVRE, PARTELLI, 2013).
Calcium is responsible for the structural and physiological stability of plant tissues. It regulates the permeability processes of cells and tissues and has an enzyme activator function (PRADO, 2020). It also plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of the cell wall, which is of enormous importance in preventing infection by pests and diseases as a physical barrier (BARCELLOS, 2021).
In addition to structurally composing compounds such as pectate, carbonate, oxalate, phosphate, calmodulins and annexins; it acts in the enzymatic regulation of ATPase, alpha amylase, phospholipase, nucleases and polygalacturonase, as well as in the functioning of membranes, in the transport of auxins, abscission and senescence, among other metabolic processes (LI et al. 2009).
In coffee, boron interferes with the development and fertilization process of flowers, preventing abortion, and participating in cell division and growth (VERDIN FILHO et al., 2013). According to Guimarães and Mendes (1997), B deficiency can cause the death of terminal buds, resulting in “fan”-shaped oversprouting, with deformed, small, narrow, twisted leaves with irregular edges. Since boron is important in the formation of the pollen tube during fertilization, its deficiency causes flower abortion and, consequently, a reduction in coffee productivity.
The micronutrient boron (B) is a limiting factor for agricultural areas and its correction in Brazilian soils is extremely important for increasing productivity (SANTINI et al., 2015).
The use of B, especially for grains and coffee, is important due to its dynamics in the soil. Adequate knowledge about the management of this nutrient has a positive impact on the productivity and quality of harvested products (FLORES et al., 2018; SAKO et al., 2016).
For coffee crops, B can be supplied at the time of soil application of fungicides/insecticides (October–November), choosing highly soluble sources such as boric acid or sodium octaborate (MATIELLO; FACUNDES, 2016). Another way to supply B to coffee is by using formulated fertilizers that contain boron in their composition, so that part of the boron dose is provided in each fertilization (TOMICIOLI et al., 2021).
For coffee trees in production, fertilization can be done in the projection of the canopy using B sources or in a mixture with formulated fertilizers. For sandy or medium-textured soils, slower-solubility sources can be used, applied in the projection of the canopy, in order to reduce leaching processes (TOMICIOLI et al., 2021). For coffee trees at the time of planting or formation, use B when the content is low, applying 0.6 g per plant in the planting hole or furrow.-1of B (GUIMARÃES et al., 1999). In this situation, use low solubility sources to make the nutrient available slowly to the plants, such as ulexite.
Foliar fertilization aims to supply nutrients to plants in a more readily absorbable form, and can help correct nutritional deficiencies, serving as a complement to soil fertilization (VERDIN FILHO et al., 2013). Foliar fertilization is a valuable alternative that should be used in specific situations or as a complement to soil fertilization. According to Taiz & Zeiger (2009), most plants can absorb mineral nutrients applied to the leaves.
According to Faquin (2005), there are four conditions under which foliar fertilization should be carried out:
Corrective foliar fertilization: aims to correct nutritional deficiencies that may occur during the crop cycle, taking into account rapid responses to the application of foliar fertilizer;
Preventive foliar fertilization: It should be carried out when a nutrient is not in the concentration considered ideal and its application via soil is not efficient.
Complementary foliar fertilization: In this case, foliar fertilization serves as a complement to soil fertilization, that is, part of the nutrient(s) is applied via soil and the remainder via foliar fertilization.
Supplemental foliar fertilization: It is a specific case in which foliar fertilization is carried out as an additional investment, for example, in situations where the objective is to achieve high coffee productivity.
For adult crops, it is common to apply calcium and boron before flowering, with the aim of strengthening and increasing the rate of setting of coffee flowers.
The supply of Ca and B via soil prevents the onset of nutritional deficiencies of these elements in younger organs. Both have a strong interaction with the soil, and Ca content decreases when there is excess B in the soil, while low Ca content causes B deficiencies (MALAVOLTA, 1997). Interactions between B and Ca increase the margins of dose-error responses based on the recommendation of dose-responses carried out in rural developments, highlighting the need for scientific research (GANIE, 2013). Fertilization of these nutrients via foliar application is also seen as an alternative to reduce the interference of interactions that occur in the soil in plant absorption.
According to Malavolta et al. (2002), even in times of low production, the coffee plant's demand for nutrients remains, because when fruiting is low, the growth of plagiotropic branches and the formation of new leaves and branches replace the fruit as a drain of carbohydrates and nutrients. The use of fertilizers must follow strict criteria, seeking to optimize their use in order to achieve the highest productivity with the lowest possible costs (CORRÊA et al. 2001).
Fertilization of calcium and boron nutrients via the soil is an essential practice to ensure the increase in the productive ceiling of coffee cultivars. ILSA BRASIL has in its portfolio the organic fertilizer FERTIL Boro ®. FERTILE Boron ® has in its composition the organic matrix AZOGEL®, rich in organic nitrogen and carbon and 16 essential amino acids for plant metabolism, combined with a mineral source of boron. As seen in the text, the nutrient boron has low mobility in the phloem, therefore, the presence of amino acids from the AZOGEL matrix® enhances the absorption of this nutrient by the plant, as well as its redistribution, as amino acids have a nutrient-carrying function.
FERTILE Boron ® In addition to providing boron more efficiently, it provides organic nitrogen and carbon that enhance the biological activity of the soil, contributing to the cycling of nutrients and the increase of organic substances present in the organic matter of the soil. FERTIL Boron ® for soil application, has a granulated formulation and should be applied to the skirt of the coffee plant.
In addition to supplying via soil, ILSA BRASIL has ILSAMIN Boro fertilizers in its portfolio.® and ILSAMIN CaMg ® for supplying boron and calcium via foliar application, in order to correct possible deficiencies of these nutrients and complement the supply via soil, quickly, punctually and efficiently. The fertilizers mentioned are obtained by combining the GELAMIN matrix® with mineral sources of nutrients. The amino acids present in GELAMIN® provide a greater speed of absorption of these nutrients by plants.
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Agr Eng. Dr. Angélica Schmitz Heinzen
Agricultural Eng. Msc. Carolina Custodio Pinto
Agricultural Eng. Msc. Thiago Stella de Freitas